Thursday, September 5, 2019

Secret Tower STEM

This was a really neat activity! I am going to try and do a STEM team builder each Friday.
Here is how I set up this activity.
I built this tower in a place where the class could not see
I split the class into groups of 4 and each kid had a specific job

1. The toucher, they are the only student in the group who could build the structure
2. The see-er. This student is the only one who could look at the structure and come back to the group and gesture or point to what/how the structure works.
3. The talker to students. This student could only talk to other students
4. The talker to the teacher.

Seems easy enough right?
Here is the catch- not everyone got the right amount of materials. I gave some groups all paper and no cups, or I gave some groups more than enough cups but no paper. 
This is where the talker to the students comes in to play, but they had to take the "toucher" with them so they could get the cups!
The job my students had the most trouble with was the "see-er" They were able to see the tower but they could not come back and tell the group! They had to gesture and point and the talker had to translate it to the toucher.... this was so much fun to watch! 
They worked on patience and communication skills! 

All the groups got it! 
They asked to do it again- so I had my trusty teachers assistant set it up!


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