Wednesday, October 10, 2012

September Teaching Ideas

Here are some teaching activities that I incorporated in my classroom in September. I love anchor charts in my classroom. I am not one to hang a lot of posters in my room because I feel the students never look at them. So why not make my own and change them out as needed?!
For a DNA activity I had the kids color different patterns to symbolize the different codes our body receives from our chromosomes. In one class I had 21 different patterns, in another I had 20 different patterns. You can also get beads and elastic and have the kids make bracelets with different patterns. I wanted to use my school money differently, on the up side they were able to glue these in their interactive notebooks and refer back to it if needed.
We did a recipe project where they had to divide and multiply fractions to double and triple a recipe for a bigger crowd. I surprised them with making a recipe in class. This was so simple and they loved it! It was French Vanilla Yogurt mixed with Pumpkin Puree and Cinnamon. Then we put it on graham crackers with whipped topping! A nice healthy snack and "mock" pumpkin pie!
Teaching heredity with M&M's!
I love doing bulletin boards like this so when my students are staring off in space, at least they stare off looking at something educational!
When ever they have free time they are to work with Pentaminos, Tangrams, or Suduko

I have the kids make the vocab for the word wall! Again, if they are spacing off at least they were staring at something educational!

This was a really neat activity where I gave the students vocab words and they had to place the correct vocab word in the definition envelope. A great way to have them move around while still assessing their knowledge!

Working with decimals! They had to order from a menu and invite 3 guests and order for them also! They could invite anyone! So we had a lot of Taylor Martinez, Selena Gomez, and Suh!
Writing notes on a fold-able rather than the lines in their notebook is so much interesting! This is a simple square piece of paper with all the corners folded in.
SNOWBALL! I had them write 3 problems on a sheet of paper and then scrunch it up and throw it across the room 3 times! The rules were, they had to be SILENT and they could NOT aim at me!
Genetic tree! The kids had to first choose the branch if they  had Dimples, then attached or unattached earlobes and lastly straight or curly hair! You can see where most of the leaves went!
 Parent Teacher Conferences!! Made them some popcorn thank yous!
More twitter, "exit tickets" help assess their knowledge! This was "Why is DNA important?" They gave 3 examples.
 Playing BINGO with fractions and their cell pals!

Scavenger Hunt! I got tricky and put one on the ceiling! They love getting up and moving around! Believe me I was stuck in an in-service and we were seated for 2 hours at a time! I left at least 4 times just to get up and move around, walk down the hallway. I can't imagine what my students feel like because I have them and an hour and a half at a time. That is why I incorporate working with partners on the floor, scavenger hunts, and brain breaks.

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