Thursday, August 29, 2019

They listen...

They actually listen....
Sometimes being a teacher I feel like I say one direction multiple times, and it feels like herding cats... but kids listen when we least expect it.

I have a jar of cashews on my desk, its a pretty big jar- Cost-Co size, and I had a student ask me why I had such a big jar. I responded that I always forget to eat breakfast and I always get the reminder in the most inopportune time, so it really easy to grab a handful of cashews to fulfill my hunger. 

The next day, another student, not the one who asked me the question, brought me in a mixture of Fruity Pebbles and Cheerios. When I asked her why she brought me the unique concoction, she told me that she wanted me to have breakfast so we could have a good day of learning!

What a thoughtful gift
What an act of service
What an act of compassion
She overheard a conversation and thought of me the next morning when she was eating breakfast, and she thought, "hey, I should make Ms G some breakfast". 

I try to instill compassion, gratitude and kindness into my kids...
and I am also learning one day at a time! :) 


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