Tuesday, August 27, 2019

First Day of School!

I love to bake! I made cake balls for the staff for the first day of staff meetings on August 19th, and I made my Grandmas amazing coffee cake! It was my first time using her recipie and I couldn’t help but be nostalgic while making it! Grandma would always have a coffee cake made every time we came up to the farm! I can’t wait to make it more often and practice and perfect it! Bringing this to school was so special to me to share with my new staff! 

The first day of school was a rainy overcast day! Love the welcoming sign they had to welcome the kids to the new school year!

It’s important to have the kids involved in their learning and be a citizen of the classroom! I made all of these posters for the kids to fill out, my plan was to do 1-2 per day as a break from our rules and routines.

The kids will shake my hand before entering my classroom, so today we practiced and talked about what a good handshake is!

This is another poster we did this year, and after about 2 weeks of being in my classroom and we know each other a bit better we may do this again! (Which is why we will use post-its!) 

The kids get dropped off in front of the school and have to walk up to the house on the land, I stand outside the house to greet them in the mornings! Even in rain! 

This letter board was on my #clearthelist and I am so happy someone bought it for my class! This first time it was used was to take photos for the first day of school!

My beautiful teachers assistant! 

First day is under our belts and we survived! Most these kids were in the multi-age group last year so they all knew each other, which meant the kids were not as timid as they usually are on the first day! Here goes the first 4 day week of the school year!

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