Survivor Winners at War
**Updated 4/25/20
I started watching Survivor when my teaching inspiration Ron Clark was on Season 38.
My husband and I have been loyal watchers on Wednesdays since then and haven't missed an episode. Our tradition has been to get Wings for supper- Wing Wednesdays- or Leftovers, but we do not cook on Wednesdays!! Its our night off!
In between Seasons I have watched a couple on the CBS app to watch the strategy and for the love of the game! I love the game but I don't think I could ever be on the game! I would not be able to handle the deceit and bugs and cold nights. I LOVE my heated blanket at night! :)
I wanted to take the time and go through who I would like to see win based on past seasons I have seen... here we go...
In between Seasons I have watched a couple on the CBS app to watch the strategy and for the love of the game! I love the game but I don't think I could ever be on the game! I would not be able to handle the deceit and bugs and cold nights. I LOVE my heated blanket at night! :)
I wanted to take the time and go through who I would like to see win based on past seasons I have seen... here we go...
Cast and what season they won:
Amber Mariano Winner of Season 8- This was a fun season to watch. It was really cute to see Boston Robs and Ambers dating story! (They are both on Season 40) I am not sure when hidden immunity idols started, but this season did not have it so it was built on relationships. This season also only had a top 2 instead of now there is a top 3! Since I have only now seen season 8 and then the next season 23 there are SO MANY changes in between! I really think Boston Rob should have won, he had one shady move in the beginning - but thats the outplay portion...right?! Amber won- even though she kept saying she was in the top 2 by "luck". She said it about 3 times when the Tribal Counsel was questioning her. The jury was also torn by a 4-3 Boston Rob was so close to winning! Well now they are married with 4 kids... and they both won a car in the season, so they are doing pretty well for themselves!
Sandra Diaz-Twine Winner of Seasons 7 and 20- I watched Season 20 and this was such a fun season! I was a fan of Jerri!! This season was Villains vs. Heroes and was so much fun to watch. They compiled heroes and villains from past seasons and they were all on a team together! Even though I have only seen one season before 20- a lot of these players have also been on the newer seasons- which is how I knew them! It was so much fun to see past players. Sandra played a lot of people. Whenever there was a chance to sit out of an award or an immunity challenge she always opted to sit out which I think was good strategy on her part- they could never blame a loss on her! She definitely had the Outwit and Outplay portion of her game down! She was so strong, and she calls herself the QUEEN! You go Sandra!! She is one I am rooting for...but not as much as Ben and Denise who I would LOVE to see win!
Parvati Shallow Winner of Season 16- Currently watching this season.
Kim Spradlin- Wolfe Winner of Season 24- Kim deserved to win this season. She never backstabbed. She was the kindest, sweetest player and everyone trusted her. Two groups of people thought that she was in alliance with her and she kept it up without each other group knowing. She played one of the cleanest games! I would love to see her win Season 40!
Rob Mariano "Boston Rob" Winner of Season 22- I haven't seen Season 22, but he was in the top 2 with his girlfriend (now wife) in Season 8 and I absolutely loved him! He lost to a 4-3 vote. Cheering for him also!
Sophie Clarke Winner of Season 23- This was a fun season to watch but I was not impressed with the top 3. I guess Sophie was strategic but she really turned me off at an immunity challenge when her cards fell and she yelled at Albert "Come over here and pick these up for me, you are not going to win anyway" Eeekk..bossy pants, Jeff had to step in and say that there were no helpers in challenges and she didn't win the challenge anyway. I think Coach should have won this season. He was a returning player that made it to the end.
Denise Stapley Winner of Season 25- I love her positivity and resilience! She is a great listener and awesome game player. She does not rush to decisions but tries to see all aspects. She got along with everyone. She was so deserving to win season 40!!! I am her biggest cheerleader! GO DENISE!!!! (....and she is a midwestern girl! Iowa! She would be so cool to meet!)
Tyson Apostol Winner of Season 27- This was a great season of strategy. Each player of a previous season brought a loved one. The season was titled Blood vs Water. I had a soft spot for the Culpeppers. Tyson I felt was sneaky, a glutton, and a little bit of a bully. He did not play his idols strategically. The comment that really turned me off from him- was as someone got voted off he whispered in their ear "There is a spot in the gallery for you" Really put a knife in her back. I am not a fan of his gameplay and was disappointed when he won.
Anthony (Tony) Vlahos Winner of Season 28- Tony was an extremely strategic, paranoid player. He always thought he was on the chopping block, he always seemed to find the hidden immunity idols, and he made so many promises, promising on his dead family graves or on his wife and daughter. He broke a lot of promises and constantly broke his alliance agreements. He won because he was up against Woo who followed him like a loyal puppy the whole time. Woo had no strategy, so of the 2, Tony was the winner. He was fun to watch because he was so paranoid, I don't think he slept and he was always the "talker". Not one of my favorite winners, but would like to see him win over Tyson and Wendell.
Natalie Anderson Winner of Season 29- She played a great season! She is a twin and her sister got voted off in the first episode. You could tell she really grew as a person during this season. She was a strong woman who had really good strategy.
Michele Fitzgerald Winner of Season 32- Michele kind of came out of the cracks once there were 10 players left. She was a really quiet player and I felt tagged along with who was taking charge. I am learning that those who are the leaders in the beginning get voted off right away and it is the strategic players that win. I think this season Aubrey deserved it. She really cam out of her shell.
Adam Klein Winner of Season 33- I had a soft spot for him this season. He kind of stayed hidden and played behind the scenes for a while before becoming a powerhouse. I was a fan of Jay this season and he had to vote him off and I gained respect for him. He and Jay also shared a commonality of both having sick mothers. Adams mom had Stage 4 lung cancer and his and hers dream was to play together on Blood vs Water which is when she got sick. When he got his dream of playing Season 33 he played whole-heartedly for his mom! Loved that he won!
Sarah Lacina Winner of Season 34- I recently finished this season because in Season 40 Sarah said that her win of Season 34 was controversial. So that made me go back and watch it. I loved her wit and her resilience. What's different about her is that she really didn't have an alliance and was always put in the position of a swing vote. She played for herself and would always vote the way that was best for her. I have respect for her game play and would like to see her progress far into the game.
Ben Driebergen Winner of Season 35- I loved this season and loved his resilience!! This is the season that the fire challenge started in the final 4. He would have been voted off if it was up to the players, but I am so happy that they chose this season to have it be a competition for the third spot in the finale. I would love to see Ben win!!! He is a big advocate for military men who have PTSD. His platform is that you can overcome anything and get through anything, it just takes time and patience.
Wendell Holland Winner of Season 36- I do not like how he plays, I think he was a bully, I think he was sneaky and underhanded, I did not like his game play, I cannot wait until he goes home in Season 40. I do not know how he won. I loved Sebastian and Laurel this season and do not think he deserved to win. I was very surprised when they called his name.
Nick Wilson Winner of Season 37- Nick was a "David" in this "David vs. Goliath" Season. He had awesome strategy and made great alliances. I would like to see him be one of the contenders of winners in Season 40
Since we just got into Survivor 2 years ago (they do 2 seasons a year) I can't talk about all of them. But I look forward to watching past seasons to see their strategy. Its definitely interesting to see the dynamic of the tribes and how they win. Its usually not by strength, I am learning that its the wit that wins...the "outplay" as Survivor would put it!
Have not seen these seasons yet...
Jeremy Collins Winner of Season 31
Yup Kwon Winner of Season 13
Danni Boatwright Winner of Season 11
Ethan Zohn Winner of Season 3
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